p (n) the eighteenth letter of the Filipino alphabet.
pa (adv) more.
pa (adv) yet; still.
paa (n) thigh; lap.
paagaw (n) a kind of game that is catching or grabbing something as of coins, etc. toasted into the air.
paagawa (v) to catch or grab something as of coins, etc. toasted into the air.
paagi (n) way; method; system.
paagi, pagpaagi (n) the act of crossing over, passing over, walking over, etc.
paagi, pagpaagi (n) the act of rolling over something by a heavy solid object.
paagi, pagpaagi (n) the act of thinking or figuring over something as to ways or methods to be done; plan; strategy.
paagiha (v) to allow to pass by.
paagihi (v) to move by passing over.
ex. paagihi anay han plantsa an imo dugnit - press your dress a little.
paagrabyo, pagpapaagrabyo (n) the act of tolerating oneself to be abused or aggrieved of.
paagrabyo (v) to allow to be abused or be aggrieved of.
paaliday (n) euphemism.
paalina (v) to allow someone to become aloof; allow an animal as of chicken to get wild.
paanad, pagpapaanad (n) the act of making someone to be close or near to oneself; the act of taming as of chicken.
paanara (v) to make someone be close or near to oneself; tame as of chicken.
paanod, pagpapaanod (n) the act of getting something adrift.
paanora (v) to get something adrift from the current of water.
paantos, pagpapaantos (n) the act of making someone to suffer, endure or withstand hardships.
paantos (n) suffering; hardship; difficulty.
paantosa (v) to let or make someone suffer hardships or difficulties.
paas (adj) hoarse voice; raucous.
paaso, pagpapaaso (n) the act of causing the smoke to blow and pass over.
paasohan (n) smoke outlet; chimney
paasohi (v) to cause the smoke to blow and pass over something.
paawil, pagpapaawil (n) something to cause someone to be fond of, be attracted, or be enthusiastic to someone else or to like to stay in a particular place.
paawila (v) to make someone be fond of, be attracted, or be enthusiastic to someone else or to like to stay in a particular place.
pabalik-balik (adv) back and forth; to and from.
pabalyo (v) to exchange; change; take and give one as an exchange of another.
pabalyo-i (v) to exchange one to another.
pabato (v) to allow to hurl pebble or stone at someone.
pabelyon (n) pavillion; a bed canopy.
pabilo (n) wick; snuff
pabilohi (v) to attach a wick.
pabor, pagpabor (n) the act of favoring or taking to one's side.
pabor (n) favor; help; kindness; generosity.
paborable (adj) favorable; benign; auspicious; propitious.
paboreal (n) peacock.
pabori (v) to give some favor; help show kindness or generosity.
paboritismo (n) favoritism; a disposition to favor one more than the others.
paborito (n) favorite.
paborito (adj) favorite; regarded with special favor.
pabotara, pabotosa (v) to allow someone to vote.
Waray or Waray-waray is one of the major dialects in the Philippines, particularly in Eastern Visayas. The people of Samar are known to be waray-warays including parts of leyte. The author has made this blog so that he, in a way, could help you learn the words used in waray-waray dialect.
Linggo, Oktubre 23, 2011
o (n) the sevententh letter of the Filipino alphabet.
obeha (n) sheep; ewe; lamb
obehero (n) shepherd; pastor; animal herder.
obilisko (n) obelisk; obelus; pillar.
obispado (n) bishopric; diocese.
obispo (n) bishop.
obituaryo (n) obituary; a record or notice of a person's death.
obligado (adj) obliged; obligated; forced; compelled.
obligar, pag-obligar (n) the act of compelling or forcing to do something.
obligasyon (n) obligation; duty.
oblosyon (n) oblation; offering; sacrifice.
obra (n) work; occupation; employment; business; pursuit; calling.
obra-maestra (n) masterpiece; supreme achievement.
obras-pias (n) charity work.
obras-publikas (n) public works
obrero (n) laborer; worker.
obserbar, pag-obserbar (n) the act of making observation; observation.
obserbasyon (n) observation; the act of watching over or making scrutiny of one's surroundings.
obserbatoryo (n) observatory.
ohales, pag-ohales(n) the act of attaching by sewing buttons to trousers, polo shirts, or the like.
ohales (n) button hole; hole.
ohalesi (v) to attach by sewing buttons to trousers, polo shirts, or the like.
ohera (n) dark circle under the eye; eyecup
ohetes (n) eyelet; a small hole in trousers, polo shirts, or the like worked around with button hole stitches.
ohiya (n) a kind of superstation or belief on the evil eye.
okasyon (n) occasion; an important event; a celebration.
okasyon (n) opportunity; cause exigency; danger.
okra (n) a kind of plant with succulent taste; okra; gumbo.
oksidental (adj) occidental; western; occident
oktaba (adj) eight.
obeha (n) sheep; ewe; lamb
obehero (n) shepherd; pastor; animal herder.
obilisko (n) obelisk; obelus; pillar.
obispado (n) bishopric; diocese.
obispo (n) bishop.
obituaryo (n) obituary; a record or notice of a person's death.
obligado (adj) obliged; obligated; forced; compelled.
obligar, pag-obligar (n) the act of compelling or forcing to do something.
obligasyon (n) obligation; duty.
oblosyon (n) oblation; offering; sacrifice.
obra (n) work; occupation; employment; business; pursuit; calling.
obra-maestra (n) masterpiece; supreme achievement.
obras-pias (n) charity work.
obras-publikas (n) public works
obrero (n) laborer; worker.
obserbar, pag-obserbar (n) the act of making observation; observation.
obserbasyon (n) observation; the act of watching over or making scrutiny of one's surroundings.
obserbatoryo (n) observatory.
ohales, pag-ohales(n) the act of attaching by sewing buttons to trousers, polo shirts, or the like.
ohales (n) button hole; hole.
ohalesi (v) to attach by sewing buttons to trousers, polo shirts, or the like.
ohera (n) dark circle under the eye; eyecup
ohetes (n) eyelet; a small hole in trousers, polo shirts, or the like worked around with button hole stitches.
ohiya (n) a kind of superstation or belief on the evil eye.
okasyon (n) occasion; an important event; a celebration.
okasyon (n) opportunity; cause exigency; danger.
okra (n) a kind of plant with succulent taste; okra; gumbo.
oksidental (adj) occidental; western; occident
oktaba (adj) eight.
n (n) the fourteenth letter of the Filipino alphabet.
na (adv) denotes completion of action.
ex. Nahimo na - It is already made.
na (adj) denotes completion of development.
ex. He is already a nurse - Usa na hiya nga nars.
na (adj) after a pronoun and denotes a change of action.
ex. Iya na - it is his/her turn.
naabante (v) to go forward. walk ahead; march ahead.
naadlaw (v) to go on shining; shine as of sun;
ex. naadlaw na yana - it is shining now.
naagaw (adj) having snatched or grabbed.
naagi (v) to pass over.
naakos (adj) having tackled; being able to meet the expense of; having managed to handle something.
naalin (adj) become wild; become aloof.
naalo (adj) having the guts or could afford to put someone to shame or at embarrasing situation.
naaming (adj) become silly; become crazy; become senile.
naanad (adj) become tamed; naturally unafraid.
ex. an amon bag-o nga baboy in naanad na- our new pig is becoming tamed.
naandam (v) to get ready; get prepared; get set.
naanod (adj) drifted; taken away by the water current.
naantos (adj) having endured; having withstood.
naapas (adj) having overtaken; having pursued; having tracked down.
naapike (v) to get nearer; get closer.
naasa (v) to get down to one's own level.
naasi (v) to pay attention to someone.
na (adv) denotes completion of action.
ex. Nahimo na - It is already made.
na (adj) denotes completion of development.
ex. He is already a nurse - Usa na hiya nga nars.
na (adj) after a pronoun and denotes a change of action.
ex. Iya na - it is his/her turn.
naabante (v) to go forward. walk ahead; march ahead.
naadlaw (v) to go on shining; shine as of sun;
ex. naadlaw na yana - it is shining now.
naagaw (adj) having snatched or grabbed.
naagi (v) to pass over.
naakos (adj) having tackled; being able to meet the expense of; having managed to handle something.
naalin (adj) become wild; become aloof.
naalo (adj) having the guts or could afford to put someone to shame or at embarrasing situation.
naaming (adj) become silly; become crazy; become senile.
naanad (adj) become tamed; naturally unafraid.
ex. an amon bag-o nga baboy in naanad na- our new pig is becoming tamed.
naandam (v) to get ready; get prepared; get set.
naanod (adj) drifted; taken away by the water current.
naantos (adj) having endured; having withstood.
naapas (adj) having overtaken; having pursued; having tracked down.
naapike (v) to get nearer; get closer.
naasa (v) to get down to one's own level.
naasi (v) to pay attention to someone.
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