h (n) the eight letter of the Filipino alphabet.
ha (adv) interogative participle, meaning: What is it?
habagat (n) south.
habagat (n) south wind.
habak, paghabak (n) an overloaded carrying of things by both arms.
habak-habak (adj) carrying full of things held by both hands.
habaka (v) to carry loads with both arms.
habhab, paghabhab (n) the act of swallowing or engulfing a whole big thing.
habhaba (v) to swallow or engulf a whole thing.
hablon, paghablon (n) the act of weaving.
hablon (n) weaving machine.
hablon (v) to weave; interlace.
habloni (v) to weave something for someone.
hablos, paghablos (n) child adoption.
hablos, hinablosan (n) adopted child.
hablot (n) grab; snatch or grasp.
habloti (v) to pull up something as of white hair or the like.
habonera (n) soap box; soap tray.
habonera (n) (female) soap maker; soap dealer
habonero (n) (male) see habonera.
habonete (n) toilet soap.
hadi (n) king; monarch; pharaoh.
hadi-a (v) to treat or respect someone as a king; give or extend high regards or respect.
hadion (adj) having the characteristics and qualities of a king.
hadki (v) to kiss someone.
hadto (adv) long before; long ago.
hagad, paghagad (n) the act of going after someone; chasing.
haganas (n) the sound produced as the water swiftly flow in the river.
hagara (v) to chase out; go after; pursue; hunt.
hagdan (n) ladder. staircase; stairway
hagdanan (n) var of hagdan
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